Access to effective and affordable prostate cancer care is a universal right.
International prostate cancer coalition stakeholders and organizations from many disciplines, from consumer to doctor, advocate to the minister of health, nurse to researcher have joined to form the Global Prostate Cancer Alliance. Our single but important mission is to facilitate conversations and collaborations with the goal of sharing strategies and building strategic alliances.
There are no elite stakeholders. We all have something to contribute and something to learn. The Global Prostate Cancer Alliance is expanding the intersections of local and international prostate cancer care by developing function and communication systems to foster collaboration.
We understand that advocacy drives awareness and implementation. We hope our conversations lead us, as cancer survivor advocacy organizations, to leverage developed systems, understand lesser developed systems, and reframe education, training, and access to treatment and care.
Membership is free and open to all qualified organizations and individual prostate cancer advocates, from everywhere. We hope you will join us.